Remote teaching for deaf pupils during the Covid-19 emergency

Pubblicato il Autore Marco Lazzari

The coronavirus emergency has accelerated the digitization processes of Italian schools, bringing new challenges to inclusive teaching. We present the remote teaching experience that is still in progress at the Scuola Audiofonetica in Brescia, and describe actions taken and initial results achieved. The families appreciated the school’s educational choices, and from this positive experience, some good practices can be derived and shared at technological, methodological and organizational levels.

Have a look at “Remote teaching for deaf pupils during the Covid-19 emergency“, a paper about an experience of online teaching and learning with deaf students presented presented at the 14th International Conference on e-Learning 2020 by Marco Lazzari and Federica Baroni (e-Learning 2020 is a conference promoted by IADIS, the International Association for the Development of the Information Society)

Keywords: School inclusion, remote teaching, distance learning, online learning, Covid-19 emergency, deafness, accessibility, educational technology, deaf pupils, deaf children, deaf students

Parole chiave: inclusione, scuola inclusiva, didattica a distanza, formazione a distanza, emergenza Covid-19, sordità, accessibilità, tecnologie didattiche, tecnologie educative, alunni sordi, bambini sordi, studenti sordi